Comparison Of Raster Graphics Editors - Best Free Photo Editing Software

Comparison of raster graphics editors  - best free photo editing software

Raster graphics editors can be compared by many variables, including availability.

Comparison of raster graphics editors  - best free photo editing software

Comparison of raster graphics editors  - best free photo editing software
General information

Basic general information about the editors: creator, company, license, etc.

Comparison of raster graphics editors  - best free photo editing software
Operating system support

The operating systems on which the editors can run natively, that is, without emulation, virtual machines or compatibility layers. In other words, the software must be specifically coded for the operation system; for example, Adobe Photoshop for Windows running on Linux with Wine does not fit.

Comparison of raster graphics editors  - best free photo editing software

Comparison of raster graphics editors  - best free photo editing software
Color spaces

Comparison of raster graphics editors  - best free photo editing software
File support

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